First of all, thank you for your support of OCA! In order to provide the greatest access to our facilities, we do everything in our power to keep camper costs at a minimum. In order to do that, we rely on your generous donations. We ask that you prayerfully consider providing a one time donation as part of your registration to add your support to this effort. A donation receipt will be emailed for any amount $25 or higher. Thank you and God bless you!
Information received is confidential and is being gathered for the purposes of serving your attendee while in the care of Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated. Any medical information collected here serves to authorize Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated, and its staff and volunteers, to obtain medical assistance in emergencies.
The safety of your attendee is our primary concern. Precautions will be taken for their well-being and protection.
I/we, the parents or guardians named below, authorize Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated Staff or one of the Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated Ministry Personnel to sign a consent for medical treatment and to authorize any physician or hospital to provide medical assessment, treatment or procedures for the participant named above.
I/we, named below, undertake and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ministry Personnel, Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated, its Deans and Board of Directors from and against any loss, damage or injury suffered by the participant as a result of being part of the activities of Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated, as well as of any medical treatment authorized by the supervising individuals representing Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated. This consent and authorization is effective only when participating in or traveling to events sponsored by the Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated.
By permitting my attendee to attend Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated. I agree to allow him/her to be photographed or videoed for brochures, promotional material, camp websites, social media, newsletters, and any purpose relating to the camp.
Purposes and Extent
Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated is collecting and retaining this personal information for the purpose of enrolling your attendee in our programs, to assign the student to the appropriate classes, to develop and nurture ongoing relationships with you and your attendee, and to inform you of program updates and upcoming opportunities at Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated. This information will be maintained indefinitely as it is a requirement of our insurance company and legal counsel. If you wish Ontario Christian Assembly Incorporated to limit the information collected, or to view your attendee’s information, please contact us.
With the increasing usage of cellular devices, cameras, and social media sharing, we are aware of the media that is being taken without our consent of other campers, individuals, and their social groups. We thus can no longer ensure parents, guardians, attendee, youth, or vulnerable adults, that any media taken at or during the camp will not contain images of the respective individuals. We will nonetheless continue do our utmost to prevent such media from being taken or displayed online just as we always have, and ask for your cooperation in working with these changes. We therefore hold the right to ask individuals who post media containing these images of these individuals online to withdraw these posts and/or other media, or to delete the associated media, or to prevent creating media of the related individuals to protect the wishes of those individuals who do not wish to have their image shared online and/or in any media form.
HEALTH NOTICE: Influenza A, Influenza B, and Coronaviruses
2020 has presented an increased infection risk of Infuenza A, B, and Coronavirus. Public arenas such as churches, schools, and camp play an important role in protecting the health of members through their response, public awareness announcements, educational role, and staff modeled health behavior. In this effort, we would like all campers to have a healthy and safe experience at camp this season by following the general health and cleanliness guidelines below. We thank you in advance for your co-operation in keeping camp healthy!
To reduce health risks Staff & Campers are asked to:
Wash Hands Often with soap & water or hand sanitizer and avoid touching your face.
Always Cough & Sneeze into your sleeve or elbow.
Clean and Disinfect all surfaces of areas you are responsible for maintaining.
Don't Share water bottles, straws, eating utensils or anything that has been in contact with saliva or mucous.
DO NOT Attend Camp If You Are Ill, or experiencing symptoms such as fever, coughing, runny nose or any general feeling of being unwell. You will be asked to go home.
** Refunds of registration fees due to health cancellations prior to check-in will be provided
* You confirm that you have read, understand, and accept all of the terms and conditions listed above