celebrating christ as
lord and saviorfocused on

modern facilities in
God's natural splendorCamp

50 acres of Ontario's
finest naturetestifying to
God's Glory

professionally supervised
overnight children's camp grades
1 through 12

fun, excitement and character

games, fun and
lifelong friendshipsfellowship &

Dorcas Camp 2017

Dorcas Camp 20014

What is Dorcas Camp?

Dorcas Camp is designed to provide a positive, friendly atmosphere for daughters, moms and mentors. There are opportunities to fellowship with one another and learn a variety of crafts and needle-arts or just enjoy the beauty of our 42- acre setting. Here you can enjoy a time of rest, reflection and spiritual growth amidst a peaceful tranquility far away from your normal hectic pace of life.


Date: August 7th-11th, 2017


For more information, and the registration form, please download the PDF of the Dorcas Camp Brochure

Dorcas Brochure

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